Coaching is a goal-oriented solution-focused process. It is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them (Gallwey, 2014). A coach works with a coachee to identify and construct possible solutions, delineate gals, facilitate the development and enactment of action plans to achieve those goals (Stober & Grant, 2010).
In coaching, like in therapy, you are in control. You schedule when you want to chat and you decide what you want to talk about. You set the agenda and a coach will ask questions or offer observations that will keep moving you forward. Sometimes you may work on exercises between sessions or even have brief check-ins. The coaching engagement varies from coach to coach so you may chat once a week, bi-weekly or monthly, virtually or in-person.
The better the coach, the more powerful the questions. This matters because asking the right questions at the right time will help you gain insights and learnings. You will find your own solutions and have the back you up you need to give you an extra push, or help you dig a little deeper into your vision and direction. With the right coach, you will gain confidence, move forward with your goals and just breathe easy.
Our Approach

My coaching approach is rooted in countering the cult of productivity, busyness and constant thinking & doing that characterizes our current workplace culture.
Utilizing evidence-based strategies in positive psychology and wellness practices, my aim is to transform traditional career development into career well-being.
My hope is that by building careers and workplaces that encourage more focus, more learning, more creativity and more inclusion, we can all combat and prevent burnout, stress and anxiety. Let’s breathe easy at work and live for a living.